The most important part of the cleft treatment is a high-quality surgery, which should take place as soon as possible after birth. So act now!
If both the lip and the palate are affected, two surgeries are necessary: The first surgery, for the cleft lip, at 4 to 6 months of age, the second surgery, for the cleft palate, at 12 months of age.
Severe cases of cleft often require further treatment. More surgeries might be necessary during childhood and adolescence. Further, comprehensive care like dental or orthodontic treatment as well as speech therapy is often required. Please find detailed information about all kind of surgeries and comprehensive care below.
Our cleft teams will provide detailed information about the treatment. This website provides basic introductory information only! For further information and in order to take medical decisions please consult a doctor, for example from one of our Cleft Vietnam partner hospitals!